Vitaflora 2 kg - N

755,00 kr
By Cavalor
SKU: 82198004_NOCOL

Color: N
6 in stock
755,00 DKK
679,50 DKK

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Cavalor Vitaflora contains prebiotics and probiotics to rebalance the microflora in the large intestine and promote good health from within.

The gut is home to a population of bacteria. These bacteria are essential for the health of the horse. They are necessary for the absorption of nutrients as well as for the health of the immune system. Feeding sufficient high-fibre forage is essential to keeping bacteria in balance. After all, bacteria live off fibre.Cavalor Vitaflora contains prebiotics (inulin) and probiotics (yeasts) that support microflora.A regimen of Cavalor Vitaflora is recommended to give the gut a healthy boost after a season involving large amounts of concentrates, supplements, and perhaps medications. Cavalor Vitaflora is also designed for horses that suffer from unexplained emaciation or inconsistent excretion. Vitaflora is also highly recommended after the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics do not only kill "bad" bacteria, they also eliminate some "good" bacteria from the microbiome.